Hospital Playlist S1 • Character Profile • Jeong Rosa

Jeong Rosa (Jeongwon mother / 70 years old)
    The wife of the late Chairman Ahn Byung-woo. A devout Catholic, There are priests and nuns in this house. Of the five children, Only the youngest  keeps her lonely mother by side.

70 years of life, the ups and downs of others. 
Still optimistic and full of mischief. 
So there are always many people around, and every gathering place is full of fun

Ju Jong-su is a friend of the same age who grew up in the same neighborhood since childhood. 
From elementary school days until now,
They growl and eat each other up.
I'm curious if I don't, or bored without it ...

The only thing in life,
He is the best friend she has ever had in 60 year


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